
Black Holes

A black hole is a region of space from which nothing, not even light, can escape. It is the result of the deformation of spacetime caused by a very compact mass. Around a black hole there is an undetectable surface which marks the point of no return, called an event horizon. It is called "black" because it absorbs all the light that hits it, reflecting nothing, just like a perfect black body in thermodynamics. Quantum mechanics predicts that black holes also emit radiation like a black body with a finite temperature. This temperature decreases with the mass of the black hole, making it unlikely to observe this radiation for black holes of stellar mass. (from

Space - Black Holes
This episode looks at the destructive force of Black Holes.

Swallowed by a Black Hole
A gas cloud three times the size of our planet strayed within the gravitational reach of our nearest supermassive black hole. Across the globe, telescopes were being trained on the heart of our galaxy, some 27,000 light years from Earth, in the expectation of observing this unique cosmic spectacle.

Stephen Hawking's Universe: Black Holes and Beyond
Are black holes real? This episode is about the discover of black holes and beyond: Ultraluminous quasars and supermassive black holes, wormholes, and singularities.

Through the Wormhole: The Riddle of Black Holes
They are the most powerful objects in the universe. Nothing, not even light, can escape the gravitational pull of a black hole.

Who's afraid of a big black hole?
Black holes are one of the most destructive forces in the universe, capable of tearing a planet apart and swallowing an entire star. Yet scientists now believe they could hold the key to answering the ultimate question - what was there before the Big Bang?

Naked Science: Monster Black Holes
Scientists steadily piece together the complex dynamics of a black hole's birth and also examine the growth of a select few black holes to super massive proportions that dominate the centers of galaxies.

The Universe: Cosmic Holes
This program looks at the mysteries of black holes and theories about the existence of other kinds of holes such as white holes and wormholes.

Related Links
Black Hole - wikipedia
A black hole is a region of space from which nothing, not even light, can escape. It is the result of the deformation of spacetime caused by a very compact mass.
Black Hole Apocalypse
Black holes are the most enigmatic and exotic objects in the universe. They're also the most powerful, with gravity so strong it can trap light. And they're destructive, swallowing entire planets, even giant stars.
Cosmic Journeys
Cosmic Journeys consists of fourteen episodes which explore the cutting-edge stories about the origins of the universe, black holes, exploding stars, the search for ET life, and the nature of the planets.
Origins of Black Holes: Gravity at Its Extreme
Finding and studying hundreds of black holes within the Milky Way and in other galaxies brings us closer to understanding gravity at its extreme.
Heart of Darkness: Black Holes in Space
Black holes are regions of space where gravity is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape! Lecturer: Dr. Alex Filippenko.
Black Holes and Galaxies: A Love-Hate Relationship
Silvia Bonoli's talk details how the supermassive black holes lurking at the hearts of most galaxies affect the evolution of those galaxies, and how the galaxies provide raw material for the black holes' growth.
Black Holes: No need to be afraid!
Professor Ian Morison explains what Black Holes are, how we can discover them even though they cannot be seen and how Stephen Hawking has shown that they are not totally black!
Black Holes: The End of Time or A New Beginning?
Dr. Blandford summarizes why scientists now think that black holes of various sizes actually do exist, describes some of their strange properties, and explains their "environmental impact" on the universe at large.
The Black Hole Wars
Professor Susskind discusses the story behind the black hole conflict and how it has led to a better idea of how our universe works.