
Principles of Human Resource Management

Principles of Human Resource Management. Instructor: Prof. Aradhna Malik, Vinod Gupta School of Management, IIT Kharagpur. Management of human resources is the most important function in any organization. It is essential to achieve a balance between caring for employees, helping them work to their maximum potential and achieving the goals of an organization through the work the employees put in. This course is specifically designed to sensitize students who are preparing to enter the workforce to issues related to workforce management. (from

Introduction to Human Resource Management

Lecture 01 - Introduction to Human Resource Management
Lecture 02 - Job Analysis and Design
Lecture 03 - Employee Testing and Selection
Lecture 04 - Performance Appraisal
Lecture 05 - Performance Evaluation and Feedback
Lecture 06 - The Training Process: Assessment of Training Needs and Training Methods
Lecture 07 - General and Specific Training and Evaluation of Training
Lecture 08 - Career Management and Planning
Lecture 09 - Career Development
Lecture 10 - Compensation
Lecture 11 - Pay for Performance Systems
Lecture 12 - Pay and Reward Systems
Lecture 13 - Benefits
Lecture 14 - Separation and Administration of Benefits
Lecture 15 - Business Ethics
Lecture 16 - Ethical Aspects of HRM Activities
Lecture 17 - Employee Health
Lecture 18 - Employee Well-being in the Workplace
Lecture 19 - Organized Labor
Lecture 20 - Managing the Labor Relations Process
Lecture 21 - International Human Resource Management
Lecture 22 - Global Employment Law, Industrial Relations and International Ethics
Lecture 23 - Challenges to International Human Resource Management
Lecture 24 - Strategic Human Resource Management
Lecture 25 - Multi-level Model of Strategic Human Resource Management
Lecture 26 - Strategic Human Resource Management in a Networked World
Lecture 27 - Sustainable Human Resource Management
Lecture 28 - Human Resource Measurement and Accountability
Lecture 29 - Types of Scorecards
Lecture 30 - Discipline in Organizations
Lecture 31 - Dealing with Difficult Employees
Lecture 32 - Using HRM to Prevent the Need for Discipline

Principles of Human Resource Management
Instructor: Prof. Aradhna Malik, Vinod Gupta School of Management, IIT Kharagpur. Management of human resources is the most important function in any organization.