
Nature and Properties of Materials: An Introductory Course

Nature and Properties of Materials: An Introductory Course. Instructor: Prof. Ashish Garg, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, IIT Kanpur. The course is first part of the broader course on Introduction to Nature of materials and would be suitable for undergraduate and postgraduate students of every branch of science and engineering. This course will focus on essentials of crystallography, crystal structures of different classes of materials, structure determination and defects in materials. (from


Lecture 01 - Material Evolution
Lecture 02 - Bonding in Materials
Lecture 03 - Correlation between Bond and Physical Properties
Lecture 04 - Crystal Structure: Lattice and Basis
Lecture 05 - Unit Cell (Primitive and Non-primitive)
Lecture 06 - Crystal Systems and Bravais Lattices
Lecture 07 - Bravais Lattice and Symmetry in Crystals
Lecture 08 - Symmetry in Crystals
Lecture 09 - Symmetry and Correlation with the Bravais Lattice
Lecture 10 - Miller Indices (Planes and Directions)
Lecture 11 - Miller Indices (cont.)
Lecture 12 - Miller Indices (cont.)
Lecture 13 - Miller Indices and Weiss Zone Law
Lecture 14 - Structure of Materials and Alloys
Lecture 15 - Structure of Metals, Packing, Coordination and Interstices
Lecture 16 - Interstices, Solid Solutions and Alloys
Lecture 17 - Solid Solutions: Alloys
Lecture 18 - Solid Solutions: Alloys (cont.)
Lecture 19 - Covalent Solids
Lecture 20 - Covalent Solids (cont.), Ionic Solids
Lecture 21 - Ionic Solids: Stability and Rules of Formation
Lecture 22 - Ionic Solids: Formation of Structure
Lecture 23 - Ionic Solids: Close Packing of Anions
Lecture 24 - Ionic Solids: Other Cubic Structures
Lecture 25 - Ionic Solids: Remaining Cubic and Non-cubic Structures
Lecture 26 - HCP (Hexagonal Closest Packed) based Structure
Lecture 27 - Structure of Non-crystalline Solids (Glasses)
Lecture 28 - Structure of Non-crystalline Solids: Glasses (cont.)
Lecture 29 - Structure of Non-crystalline Solids: Polymers
Lecture 30 - Structure of Polymers
Lecture 31 - Structure of Polymers (cont.)
Lecture 32 - Structure Determination (X-ray Diffraction)
Lecture 33 - X-ray Diffraction
Lecture 34 - X-ray Diffraction (cont.)
Lecture 35 - X-ray Diffraction (cont.)
Lecture 36 - X-ray Diffraction: Structure Factor, Atomic Scattering Factor
Lecture 37 - Application of X-Ray Diffraction, Williamson Hall Method
Lecture 38 - Defects in Solids (Point Defects)
Lecture 39 - Point Defect Concentration
Lecture 40 - 2D Defects

Nature and Properties of Materials: An Introductory Course
Instructor: Prof. Ashish Garg, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, IIT Kanpur. This course will focus on essentials of crystallography, crystal structures of different classes of materials, structure determination and defects in materials.