
Quantum Field Theory

This is a collection of links to video lectures on quantum field theory from CERN - introduction to the basic concepts of quantum field theory.

Video/text Beyond Feynman Diagrams
Description By Lance Dixon, 2013. For decades the central theoretical tool for computing scattering amplitudes has been the Feynman diagram. However, Feynman diagrams are just too slow, even on fast computers, to be able to go beyond the leading order in QCD, for complicated events with many jets of hadrons in the final state. ...

Video Introduction to Field Theory
Description By Ronald Kleiss, 2001. Starting from the notion of path integrals as developed by Feynman, we discuss field theory in zero spacetime dimensions. The concepts of perturbation expansions, connected amplitudes, Feynman diagrams, classical solutions, renormalization and the effective action are developed. The model is extended to four spacetime dimensions, and the full Feynman rules for relativistic scalar theory derived. ...

Video Introduction to Field Theory
Description By Ronald Kleiss, 1999. In these lectures I will build up the concept of field theory using the language of Feynman diagrams. As a starting point, field theory in zero spacetime dimensions is used as a vehicle to develop all the necessary techniques: path integral, Feynman diagrams, Schwinger-Dyson equations, asymptotic series, effective action, renormalization etc. The theory is then extended to more dimensions, with emphasis on the combinatorial aspects of the diagrams rather than their particular mathematical structure. ...

Video Introduction to Quantum Field Theory
Description By Erik Verlinde, 1998. In these lectures the basic concepts of quantum field theory are introduced. Topics that will be discussed are: the quantization of fields; Scattering amplitudes and cross sections; Feynman diagrams; Lagrangian field theory; Quantum electrodynamics; Gauge invariance and renormalization. ...

Video Quantum Field Theory
Description By Hermann Nicolai, 1997. The lectures are intended to provide an introduction to Quantum Field Theory at an elementary level. In particular, the following topics will be treated: 1, Basic principle of QFT; 2, Representation theory of the Poincare group; 3, The free scalar field; 4, The free Dirac field 5, Interacting field theories; 6, Supersymmetry; 7, S-Matrix. ...

Video Quantum Field Theory
Description By Luis Alvarez-Gaume, 1996. Quantum Field Theory provides the most fundamental language known to express the fundamental laws of Nature. It is the consequence of trying to describe physical phenomena within the conceptual framework of Quantum Mechanics and Special Relativity. The aim of these lectures will be to present a number of concepts and methods in the subject which many of us find difficult to understand. ...

Video Quantum Field Theory
Description By Bernard de Wit, 1991. We introduce the main concepts in gauge theories and present all the ingredients necessary for the construction of the standard model. If time permits we will discuss some aspects at the quantization of gauge theories (ghosts). ...