

Episode 05 - Birds. Birds, whose feathers have made them extremely adaptable and enabled them to fly, are the subject of programme five. The courtship flight of the marvellous spatuletail hummingbird is shot at high speed to slow down its rapid wing beats. The male must rest every few seconds due to the energy needed to display his elongated tail feathers. Lammergeiers, by contrast, soar on mountain thermals with a minimum of effort. A red-billed tropicbird bringing a meal back to its chick uses aerial agility to evade the marauding magnificent frigatebirds. Some birds nest in extreme locations to avoid threats from predators. (from

Episode 05 - Birds

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Episode 01: Challenges of Life
Episode 02: Reptiles and Amphibians
Episode 03: Mammals
Episode 04: Fish
Episode 05: Birds
Episode 06: Insects
Episode 07: Hunters and Hunted
Episode 08: Creatures of the Deep
Episode 09: Plants
Episode 10: Primates