
The Life of Mammals

Image of The Life of Mammals

The Life of Mammals is a BBC nature documentary series presented by David Attenborough, exploring the evolution and habits of the various mammal species. The series consists of ten episodes, each of which looks at one (or several closely related) mammal groups and discusses the different facets of their day-to-day existence. The first episode of the series gives a general overview of mammals and looks at their diversity and why they thrive. The next five episodes, from the second to the sixth, explore those mammals who have specifically adapted to eating insects, plants, nuts (or wood), meat, or various diet: insectivores, herbivores, rodents, carnivores, and omnivores. The seventh episode focuses on mammals living in the ocean such as whales, sea lions and seals. The eighth episode explores those mammals who make their home in the trees, such as sun bears and fruit bats. The ninth episode deals with the lives of monkeys and their complex social hierarchies. And the last episode studies apes and the evolution of human society to its current state.

Episode 01 - A Winning Design
This episode gives a general overview of mammals and looks at their diversity and why they thrive.

Episode 02 - Insect Hunters
This episode focuses on those mammals who have specifically adapted to eating insects - insectivores.

Episode 03 - Plant Predators
This episode focuses on those mammals who have specifically adapted to eating plants - herbivores.

Episode 04 - Chisellers
This episode examines rodents, which are characterised by strong, sharp, continuously growing incisors.

Episode 05 - Meat Eaters
This episode focuses on those mammals who have specifically adapted to eating meat - carnivores.

Episode 06 - The Opportunists
This episode focuses on those mammals who have specifically adapted to eating various diet - omnivores.

Episode 07 - Return to the Water
This episode focuses on mammals living in the ocean such as whales, sea lions and seals.

Episode 08 - Life in the Trees
This episode explores those mammals who make their home in the trees, such as sun bears and fruit bats.

Episode 09 - The Social Climbers
This episode deals with the lives of monkeys and their complex social hierarchies.

Episode 10 - Food for Thought
This episode studies apes and the evolution of human society to its current state.

Related Links
The Life of Mammals - wikipedia
The Life of Mammals is a BBC nature documentary series written and presented by David Attenborough, first transmitted in the UK from 20 November 2002.
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