
The Life of Mammals

Episode 04 - Chisellers. This episode examines rodents, which are characterised by strong, sharp, continuously growing incisors. These enable the animals to eat food that others find impossible, such as nuts or wood, and have enabled them to become the most successful and numerous of all mammals. Attenborough visits the forests of Virginia, where the grey squirrels are able to differentiate between the acorns of the red oak and the white oak: eating the latter and storing the former. Seed-eaters can live almost anywhere, and the desert-dwelling kangaroo rat uses its cheek pouches to transport its supply back to its burrow. (from

Episode 04 - Chisellers

Go to The Life of Mammals Home or watch other episodes:

Episode 01 - A Winning Design
Episode 02 - Insect Hunters
Episode 03 - Plant Predators
Episode 04 - Chisellers
Episode 05 - Meat Eaters
Episode 06 - The Opportunists
Episode 07 - Return to the Water
Episode 08 - Life in the Trees
Episode 09 - The Social Climbers
Episode 10 - Food for Thought