
Cosmic Journeys

Is the Universe Infinite? Explore the biggest question of all. How far do the stars stretch out into space? And what's beyond them? In modern times, we built giant telescopes that have allowed us to cast our gaze deep into the universe. Astronomers have been able to look back to near the time of its birth. They've reconstructed the course of cosmic history in astonishing detail.

From intensive computer modeling, and myriad close observations, they've uncovered important clues to its ongoing evolution. Many now conclude that what we can see, the stars and galaxies that stretch out to the limits of our vision, represent only a small fraction of all there is. Does the universe go on forever? Where do we fit within it? And how would the great thinkers have wrapped their brains around the far-out ideas on today's cutting edge?

Episode 15 - Is the Universe Infinite?

Go to Cosmic Journeys Home or watch other episodes:

Episode 01 - Birth of a Black Hole
Episode 02 - The Largest Black Holes in the Universe
Episode 03 - The Most Powerful Objects in the Universe
Episode 04 - When Will Time End?
Episode 05 - How Large is the Universe?
Episode 06 - Mysteries of a Dark Universe
Episode 07 - The Riddle of AntiMatter
Episode 08 - The Incredible Journey of Apollo 12
Episode 09 - Mars: World That Never Was
Episode 10 - Crashing into the Moon
Episode 11 - Attack of the Sun
Episode 12 - Birth of the Moon
Episode 13 - Saturn's Mysterious Moons
Episode 14 - Alien Planets & Eyeball Earths: The Search for Habitable Planets
Episode 15 - Is the Universe Infinite?
Episode 16 - Venus: Death of a Planet
Episode 17 - Supermassive Black Hole at the Center of the Galaxy
Episode 18 - Voyage to Pandora: First Interstellar Space Flight
Episode 19 - The Search For Earth-Like Planets
Episode 20 - Super Hurricanes and Typhoons
Episode 21 - Hubble Space-Shattering Discoveries
Episode 22 - Voyager Journey to the Stars
Episode 23 - Plasma Rockets & Solar Storms
Episode 24 - Earth in 1000 Years
Episode 25 - Supervolcanoes
Episode 26 - Fate of Antarctica
Episode 27 - Life: Destiny or Chance?
Episode 28 - Interstellar Flight
Episode 29 - Hubble: Universe in Motion
Episode 30 - Solar Superstorms