
A Science Odyssey

A Science Odyssey is a PBS documentary series hosted by Charles Osgood, exploring the sweeping changes that have revolutionized life and thinking in the twentieth century. The series consists of five episodes, each of which charts the twentieth century’s major scientific and technological discovery in one of five areas - Earth and life sciences; physics and astronomy; human behavior; medicine and health; and technology. Each episode moves chronologically through the century, blending exciting historic adventures - full of twists and turns, suspense and surprise - with the political, economic, and cultural changes that have caused or come about because of scientific discovery. Through illuminating first-hand interviews, rare historical footage, and computer animations, A Science Odyssey offers a rich behind-the-science chronicle of the century's most revolutionary scientific and technological discoveries.

Episode 1 - Origins

Episode 1 - Origins
How and when did the Earth form? How could life have begun on a lifeless planet? This program charts the quest for beginnings - of our planet, our species, and life itself.

Episode 2 - Mysteries of the Universe
This program reveals the stories of the men and women who have struggled to make and understand the twentieth century's most astonishing discoveries in physics and astronomy.

Episode 3 - In Search of Ourselves
This program explores both the scientific theories and popular thinking about what drives human behavior as these ideas change throughout the twentieth century.

Episode 4 - Matters of Life and Death
This program explores the science and the struggle behind many of the twentieth century's most dramatic medical experiments and discoveries.

Episode 5 - Bigger, Better, Faster
This program tells the hidden stories behind the major technological innovations of the past hundred years, such as the airplane, automobile, synthetic materials, radio, and the Internet.

Related Links
100 Greatest Discoveries
This recounts the 100 most important scientific discoveries of all time and explains them with historical re-creations, archival footage and interviews with scientists.
The Story of Science
This is a BBC science documentary series presented by Michael Mosley, exploring how the evolution of scientific understanding is intimately interwoven with society's historical path.
The Ascent of Man
This is a BBC documentary series written and presented by Jacob Bronowski, looking at human history through scientific and technological achievements from prehistoric era to the mid-20th century.

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