
Cold War

Episode 18 - Backyard: 1954-1990. The United States saw the emergence of leftist movements in different Latin American countries as threatening to its commercial interests, and secretly plotted with military strongmen and middle class interests concerned with the land reforms and nationalisation policies of new governments. In Guatemala Jacobo Arbenz was ousted by a CIA-inspired coup in 1954. Similarly US meddling in Chile's economic and political spheres weakened Salvador Allende grip on power, and he was ultimately deposed by his own military in 1973. The United States sent troops to the Dominican Republic in 1965 and Grenada in 1983, and trained and supported various acquiescent juntas, including a brutal regime in El Salvador. In Nicaragua the United States secretly supported the Contras against the leftist Sandinista government; eventually military actions and economic sanctions push Nicaraguans into voting for anti-Sandinista politician Violeta Chamorro in 1990. Interviewees include Frank Wisner, Hortensia Bussi, Nikolai Leonov, Violeta Chamorro and Daniel Ortega.

Episode 18 - Backyard: 1954-1990

Go to Cold War Home or watch other episodes:

Episode 01 - Comrades: 1917-1945
Episode 02 - Iron Curtain: 1945-1947
Episode 03 - Marshall Plan: 1947-1952
Episode 04 - Berlin: 1948-1949
Episode 05 - Korea: 1949-1953
Episode 06 - Reds: 1947-1953
Episode 07 - After Stalin: 1953-1956
Episode 08 - Sputnik: 1949-1961
Episode 09 - The Wall: 1958-1963
Episode 10 - Cuba: 1959-1962
Episode 11 - Vietnam: 1954-1968
Episode 12 - MAD: 1960-1972
Episode 13 - Make Love, Not War: 1960s
Episode 14 - Red Spring: 1960s
Episode 15 - China: 1949-1972
Episode 16 - Detente: 1969-1975
Episode 17 - Good Guys, Bad Guys: 1967-1978
Episode 18 - Backyard: 1954-1990
Episode 19 - Freeze: 1977-1981
Episode 20 - Soldiers of God: 1975-1988
Episode 21 - Spies: 1945-1990
Episode 22 - Star Wars: 1980-1988
Episode 23 - The Wall Comes Down: 1989
Episode 24 - Conclusions: 1989-1991