
History of Africa with Zeinab Badawi

Ancestors, Spirits and God: In this episode Zeinab Badawi examines religion in Africa. First the enduring presence of Africa's indigenous religions, to which millions of people on the continent still adhere. She travels to Zimbabwe to find out more about a remote community that follows traditional African religion. In Senegal she meets a Muslim man who, like so many others in the continent, blends Islamic beliefs with his ancestral ones and enjoys talking to trees! She also charts the impact of Judaism and early Christianity in Africa and how Africans in particular made significant contributions to Christian thinking and practice through influential figures such as St Augustine who lived in what is today Algeria.

Episode 08 - Ancestors, Spirits and God

Go to History of Africa Home or watch other episodes:

Episode 01 - Mother Africa
Episode 02 - Cattle, Crops and Iron
Episode 03 - Gift of the Nile
Episode 04 - Kingdom of Kush
Episode 05 - The Rise of Aksum
Episode 06 - Kings and Emirs
Episode 07 - North Africa
Episode 08 - Ancestors, Spirits and God
Episode 09 - Islam in Africa
Episode 10 - Desert Empires
Episode 11 - City States and Civilisations
Episode 12 - Coast and Conquest
Episode 13 - Southern Kingdoms
Episode 14 - The Golden Stool
Episode 15 - No Longer at Ease
Episode 16 - Slavery and Suffering
Episode 17 - Slavery and Salvation
Episode 18 - Diamonds, Gold and Greed
Episode 19 - Kongo and the Scramble for Africa
Episode 20 - Resistance and Liberation