
Biology 1B: General Biology

Biology 1B: General Biology (Spring 2012, UC Berkeley). Instructors: Prof. George Roderick, Prof. Craig Moritz, Prof. Lewis J Feldman, and Dr. Mike Moser. This course provides a general introduction to plant development, form, and function; population genetics, ecology, and evolution. It is intended for students majoring in the biological sciences, but open to all qualified students.

Lecture 40 - Global Change Biology

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Lecture 01 - Introduction/ Fungi
Lecture 02 - Algae, Mosses, Lower Vascular Plants
Lecture 03 - Ferns and Gymnosperms
Lecture 04 - Angiosperms
Lecture 05 - Angiosperms (cont.)
Lecture 06 - Cells, Tissues
Lecture 07 - Roots, Structure and Development
Lecture 08 - Shoots, Primary Structure
Lecture 09 - Shoots, Secondary Structure
Lecture 10 - Plant Growth Substances 1
Lecture 11 - Plant Growth Substances 2
Lecture 12 - Flowering
Lecture 13 - Water Relations
Lecture 14 - Water Relations, Mineral Nutrition
Lecture 15 - Evolution: Relevance and History
Lecture 16 - The Tree of Life: Phylogeny
Lecture 17 - Population Processes - Inheritance
Lecture 18 - Mutation and Selection Theory
Lecture 19 - Genetic Drift and Migration
Lecture 20 - Recombination, Sexual Reproduction
Lecture 21 - Sexual Selection; Coevolution
Lecture 22 - Species Concepts - Reprod Isolation
Lecture 23 - Speciation Processes (cont.)
Lecture 24 - Fossil Record - Macroevol Trends/Events
Lecture 25 - Fossils, Evo-Devo and Evolution of Novelties
Lecture 26 - Human Evolution
Lecture 27 - Evolutionary Medicine
Lecture 28 - Ecology
Lecture 29 - Biogeography
Lecture 30 - Populations in Space and Time
Lecture 31 - Life Histories and Limits to Growth
Lecture 32 - Managing Populations
Lecture 33 - Interspecific Interactions
Lecture 34 - Consequences of Interactions
Lecture 35 - Communities in Space and Time
Lecture 36 - Food Webs
Lecture 37 - Biodiversity Science
Lecture 38 - Ecosystem Processes
Lecture 39 - Biogeochemical Cycles
Lecture 40 - Global Change Biology