
Proteins and Gel-Based Proteomics

Proteins and Gel-Based Proteomics. Instructor: Prof. Sanjeeva Srivastava, Department of Biosciences and Bioengineering, IIT Bombay. This course introduces to the basic biology of proteins and gel-based proteomics. To obtain better understanding of cellular processes and regulation, there has been an increasing interest in studying proteomics. Proteomics techniques aim to look into the protein properties from a global perspective, i.e., not undertaking one protein at a time, but an entire set of proteins in the milieu. These proteomic techniques typically aim to elucidate the expression, interaction, and cellular function of proteins.

The course will provide the basic understanding of amino acids and proteins. It would also provide detailed information on gel-based proteomic techniques such as SDS-PAGE and 2-DE. Some of the limitation of 2-DE has been overcome by advanced Difference gel electrophoresis (DIGE) technique, which will be discussed in this course. Protein identification using MALDI-TOF/TOF mass spectrometry will also be discussed. 2-DE in combination with mass spectrometry has become very powerful tool for proteomics applications and students can learn these tools by attending this course. (from

Lecture 01 - Course Introduction

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Introduction to Gel-Based Proteomics
Lecture 01 - Course Introduction
Basics of Amino Acids and Proteins
Lecture 02 - Introduction to Amino Acids
Lecture 03 - Introduction to Proteins
Lecture 04 - Protein Folding and Misfolding
Lecture 05 - Protein Purification Techniques
Lecture 06 - Introduction to Proteomics
Gel-based Proteomics and Sample Preparation
Lecture 07 - Systems Biology and Proteomics
Lecture 08 - Sample Preparation and Pre-analytical Factors
Lecture 09 - Sample Preparation: Pre-analytical Factors (cont.)
Lecture 10 - Sample Preparation: Protein Extraction and Quantification
Lecture 11 - One-dimensional Electrophoresis
Two-dimensional Gel Electrophoresis
Lecture 12 - Rehydration, IEF and Equilibration
Lecture 13 - Second Dimension, Staining and Destaining
Lecture 14 - Gel Analysis
Lecture 15 - Two-dimensional Gel Electrophoresis: Applications
Lecture 16 - Two-dimensional Gel Electrophoresis: Applications and Challenges
Difference Gel Electrophoresis (DIGE) and Mass Spectrometry
Lecture 17 - Two-dimensional DIGE: Basics
Lecture 18 - Two-dimensional DIGE: Data Analysis
Lecture 19 - Two-dimensional DIGE: Applications
Lecture 20 - Protein Identification using MALDI-TOF/TOF
Lecture 21 - Proteomics Experiment Data Analysis and Challenges