
Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management. Instructor: Prof. K B L Srivastava, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Kharagpur. The objective of this course is to prepare students to understand the current theories, practices, tools and techniques in knowledge management (KM) to deal with the challenges with the organization and management of knowledge. This course addresses contemporary issues in managing knowledge, intellectual capital and other intangible assets by discussing the fundamental concepts of knowledge and its creation, acquisition, representation, dissemination, use and re-use, the role and use of knowledge in organizations and institutions, KM systems and its application in knowledge generation and transfer, and in the representation, organization, and exchange of knowledge, knowledge codification and system development, its testing, KM tools and portals, and finally ethical, managerial and legal issues in knowledge management. (from

Lecture 14 - System Development: System Testing and Development (cont.)

Concepts covered in this lecture: User acceptance testing - steps, criteria. Success factors in KM system development. Issues related to integration, organizational support, user training and deployment. Post implementation review. Factors affecting knowledge based.

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Lecture 01 - Introduction
Lecture 02 - Process of Knowledge Conversion and Creation
Lecture 03 - Why Knowledge Management
Lecture 04 - Knowledge Management System Life Cycle (KMSLC)
Lecture 05 - Aligning KM with Strategy
Lecture 06 - Process and Models of KM Cycle
Lecture 07 - Process and Models of KM Cycle (cont.)
Lecture 08 - Knowledge Creation and Architecture
Lecture 09 - Capturing Tacit Knowledge
Lecture 10 - Capturing Tacit Knowledge (cont.)
Lecture 11 - Knowledge Codification
Lecture 12 - Knowledge Codification (cont.)
Lecture 13 - System Development: System Testing and Development
Lecture 14 - System Development: System Testing and Development (cont.)
Lecture 15 - Knowledge Transfer and Knowledge Sharing
Lecture 16 - Knowledge Infrastructure
Lecture 17 - Knowledge Infrastructure (cont.)
Lecture 18 - Knowledge Audit
Lecture 19 - The Knowledge Team
Lecture 20 - The Knowledge Team (cont.)
Lecture 21 - Analysis, Design of KM System
Lecture 22 - Analysis, Design of KM System (cont.)
Lecture 23 - Developing the KM System
Lecture 24 - Prototyping and Deployment
Lecture 25 - Prototyping and Deployment (cont.)
Lecture 26 - Inferences from Data
Lecture 27 - Inferences from Data (cont.)
Lecture 28 - Data Mining
Lecture 29 - Data Management
Lecture 30 - Knowledge Portals
Lecture 31 - Evaluation of KM Effectiveness: Tools and Matrices
Lecture 32 - Evaluation of KM Effectiveness: Tools and Matrices (cont.)
Lecture 33 - Legal Issues
Lecture 34 - Ethical Issues
Lecture 35 - Managerial Issues
Lecture 36 - KM Experiences form Indian Companies
Lecture 37 - KM Practices of Select Industries
Lecture 38 - KM Practices of Select Industries (cont.)
Lecture 39 - Linking KM with Innovation and Learning Organization
Lecture 40 - Future of Knowledge Management