
Digital Circuits and Systems

Digital Circuits and Systems. Instructor: Prof. Shankar Balachandran, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Madras. Digital circuits are the basic blocks of modern electronic devices like mobile phones, digital cameras, microprocessors and several other devices. In this course, we will learn the fundamentals of digital circuits and how to engineer the building blocks that go into digital subsystems. We will learn the basics of combinational as well as sequential logic. We will also have a thorough treatment of sequential circuits and state machines. We will also learn how to analyze the performance of digital circuits. The course will emphasize on the design philosophy as well as good design practices used. Students will also get an exposure to Verilog, a popular hardware modeling language. (from

Lecture 12 - Number Systems

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Lecture 01 - Introduction
Lecture 02 - Basic Boolean Logic
Lecture 03 - Boolean Theorems
Lecture 04 - Minterms, Maxterms, Sum of Products (SOP), Products of Sum (POS)
Lecture 05 - Algebraic Minimization Examples
Lecture 06 - Introduction to Verilog
Lecture 07 - Universality, Rearranging Truth Tables
Lecture 08 - Karnaugh Maps
Lecture 09 - K-Map Minimization
Lecture 10 - K-Map with Don't Cares
Lecture 11 - Minimization of Multiple Output Functions
Lecture 12 - Number Systems
Lecture 13 - Encoders and Decoders
Lecture 14 - Multiplexers
Lecture 15 - Multiplexers based Circuit Design
Lecture 16 - Design Process and Verilog
Lecture 17 - Demonstration of Verilog
Lecture 18 - Sequential Elements
Lecture 19 - Gated Latches
Lecture 20 - Flip Flops
Lecture 21 - Verilog Demonstration: Assign Statement and Instantiation
Lecture 22 - Sequential Circuits
Lecture 23 - Logic Gates and Electrical Properties
Lecture 24 - Delays
Lecture 25 - Sequential Element Delays
Lecture 26 - More Sequential Circuits
Lecture 27 - Instruction to State Machines
Lecture 28 - Always Statement plus Mixing Styles in Verilog
Lecture 29 - State Machines: Sequential Logic Synthesis
Lecture 30 - State Machines: FSM Design Problems
Lecture 31 - State Machines: State Minimization
Lecture 32 - State Machines: State Assignment
Lecture 33 - State Machines: Timing Sequential Circuits
Lecture 34 - Verilog: Sequential Elements
Lecture 35 - Design of GCD Machine and Verilog Implementation
Lecture 36 - GCD Datapath and Controller
Lecture 37 - GCD State Machine
Lecture 38 - GCD Top Level Module plus Datapath
Lecture 39 - Datapath in Verilog
Lecture 40 - Datapath Elements for GCD
Lecture 41 - GCD State Machine in Verilog
Lecture 42 - GCD Testbench
Lecture 43 - Pipelining
Lecture 44 - Pipelining Technology and Methodology
Lecture 45 - Interleaving and Parallelism
Lecture 46 - Verilog Modeling (Assignment Statements)
Lecture 47 - Modeling Circuits with Pipelining
Lecture 48 - Signed Number Representation
Lecture 49 - Addition and Subtraction in 1's and 2's Complement Form
Lecture 50 - Ripple Carry Adder
Lecture 51 - Fast Adder
Lecture 52 - Multipliers and Other Circuits
Lecture 53 - Closing Remarks