
Internetwork Security

Internetwork Security. Instructor: Prof. Sourav Mukhopadhyay, Department of Mathematics, IIT Kharagpur. The aim of this course is to introduce the student to the areas of cryptography and cryptanalysis. This course develops a basic understanding of the algorithms used to protect users online and to understand some of the design choices behind these algorithms. Our aim is to develop a workable knowledge of the mathematics used in cryptology in this course. The course emphasizes to give a basic understanding of previous attacks on cryptosystems with the aim of preventing future attacks. (from

Lecture 58 - Implementation Attacks: Side Channel Attack, Power Analysis, Timing Attack

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Lecture 01 - Introduction to Cryptography
Lecture 02 - Classical Cryptosystem
Lecture 03 - Cryptanalysis on Substitution Cipher (Frequency Analysis)
Lecture 04 - Polyalphabetic Cipher, Playfair Cipher
Lecture 05 - Introduction to Block Cipher, Substitution and Permutation Network
Lecture 06 - Data Encryption Standard (DES)
Lecture 07 - DES (cont.)
Lecture 08 - Triple DES and Modes of Operation
Lecture 09 - Stream Cipher
Lecture 10 - Pseudorandom Sequence
Lecture 11 - LFSR based Stream Cipher
Lecture 12 - Mathematical Background: Abstract Algebra, Group
Lecture 13 - Abstract Algebra: Ring, Field
Lecture 14 - Number Theory
Lecture 15 - Number Theory: Euclidean Algorithm, Modular Arithmetic, Congruence Relation
Lecture 16 - Modular Inverse
Lecture 17 - Extended Euclidean Algorithm
Lecture 18 - Fermat's Little Theorem, Euler Pi-Function
Lecture 19 - Euler's Theorem, Quadratic Residue
Lecture 20 - Polynomial Arithmetic
Lecture 21 - Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
Lecture 22 - AES: AES Sub Byte, Min Column, Key Scheduling Algorithm
Lecture 23 - Introduction to Public Key Cryptosystem, Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange
Lecture 24 - Knapsack Cryptosystem
Lecture 25 - RSA Cryptosystem
Lecture 26 - More on RSA
Lecture 27 - Primality Testing: Euler Test, Miller-Rabin Test, AKS Algorithms
Lecture 28 - ElGamal Cryptosystem
Lecture 29 - Elliptic Curve over the Reals
Lecture 30 - Elliptic Curve Modulo a Prime
Lecture 31 - Generalised ElGamal Public Key Cryptosystem
Lecture 32 - Chinese Remainder Theorem
Lecture 33 - Rabin Cryptosystem
Lecture 34 - Legendre and Jacobi Symbol
Lecture 35 - Jacobi Symbol (cont.)
Lecture 36 - Message Authentication
Lecture 37 - Digital Signature Scheme: RSA Signature Scheme, ElGamal Signature Scheme
Lecture 38 - Key Management
Lecture 39 - Key Exchange
Lecture 40 - Hash Function
Lecture 41 - Universal Hashing
Lecture 42 - Cryptographic Hash Function
Lecture 43 - Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA)
Lecture 44 - Digital Signature Standard (DSS)
Lecture 45 - More on Key Exchange Protocol
Lecture 46 - Cryptanalysis
Lecture 47 - Time-Memory Trade-off Attack
Lecture 48 - Differential Cryptanalysis
Lecture 49 - More on Differential Cryptanalysis
Lecture 50 - Linear Cryptanalysis
Lecture 51 - Cryptanalysis on Stream Cipher
Lecture 52 - Modern Stream Ciphers
Lecture 53 - Shamir's Secret Sharing and BE (Broadcast Encryption)
Lecture 54 - Identity based Encryption (IBE)
Lecture 55 - Attribute based Encryption (ABE)
Lecture 56 - Functional Encryption
Lecture 57 - Solving Discrete Log Problem
Lecture 58 - Implementation Attacks: Side Channel Attack, Power Analysis, Timing Attack
Lecture 59 - The Secure Sockets Layer
Lecture 60 - Pretty Good Privacy, Email security