
Introduction to Computer Graphics

Introduction to Computer Graphics. Instructor: Prof. Prem Kalra, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Delhi. This course deals with some basic and fundamental principles of computer graphics. Topics covered include: graphics display devices, input devices, rendering pipeline; raster graphics, windowing and clipping; transformations, curves and surfaces; hidden surface elimination; illumination and shading models; introduction to ray-tracing; and computer animation. (from

Lecture 09 - 3D Viewing (cont.)

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Lecture 01 - Introduction
Lecture 02 - Raster Graphics
Lecture 03 - Raster Graphics (cont.), Clipping
Lecture 04 - Clipping
Lecture 05 - Polygon Clipping and Polygon Scan Conversion
Lecture 06 - Transformations
Lecture 07 - Transformations (cont.)
Lecture 08 - 3D Viewing
Lecture 09 - 3D Viewing (cont.)
Lecture 10 - Curves
Lecture 11 - Assignment I: 2D Polygon Clipping, Polygon Filling, 3D Viewing Pipeline
Lecture 12 - Curves: Parametric Curves, Bezier Curves
Lecture 13 - Curves: Bezier Curves (cont.)
Lecture 14 - Curves: B-Splines
Lecture 15 - Curves: B-Splines (cont.)
Lecture 16 - Surfaces
Lecture 17 - Surfaces: Bezier Surface
Lecture 18 - Surfaces: Bezier Surface (cont.), B-Spline Surface
Lecture 19 - Surfaces: Polygonal, Wireframe and Boundary Representations; Polyhedra
Lecture 20 - Hierarchical Models
Lecture 21 - Rendering: Illumination Model
Lecture 22 - Rendering: Polygon Shading
Lecture 23 - Rendering: Polygon Shading (cont.), Ray Tracing
Lecture 24 - Ray Tracing: Ray Object, Ray Plane, Polygon, Triangle and Ray Quadric Intersections
Lecture 25 - Ray Tracing: Transforming Objects
Lecture 26 - Ray Tracing: Recursive Ray Tracing
Lecture 27 - Assignment: Ray Tracing
Lecture 28 - Hidden Surface Elimination
Lecture 29 - Hidden Surface Elimination: Painter's Algorithm, Binary Space Partitioning
Lecture 30 - Hidden Surface Elimination: Weiler Atherton Algorithm, Scan Line Algorithm
Lecture 31 - Fractals: Geometric Fractals
Lecture 32 - Fractals: Random Fractals, Algebraic Fractals
Lecture 33 - Computer Animation
Lecture 34 - Computer Animation (cont.)
Lecture 35 - Computer Animation (cont.)