
Condensed Matter Physics

Condensed Matter Physics. Instructor: Professor G. Rangarajan, Department of Physics, IIT Madras. This is an advanced course on condensed matter physics at postgraduate level and it is proposed to introduce students of physics to various fundamental concepts of condensed matter physics and materials science. Starting with an introduction to symmetry in crystals and phase transitions, the course will cover concepts of waves in periodic structures,vibrations of crystal lattices, free electron theory, band structure, optical, transport, dielectric and magnetic properties of metals, semiconductors, insulators and superconductors. Noncrystalline solids, defects in solids and quantum fluids will also be briefly discussed. (from

Lecture 39 - Defects in Solids - Line and Surface Defects

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Lecture 01 - Principles of Condensed Matter Physics
Lecture 02 - Symmetry in Perfect Solids
Lecture 03 - Symmetry in Perfect Solids (cont.)
Lecture 03-1 - Symmetry in Perfect Solids - Worked Examples
Lecture 04 - Diffraction Methods For Crystal Structures
Lecture 05 - Diffraction Methods For Crystal Structures (cont.)
Lecture 05-1 - Diffraction Methods For Crystal Structures - Worked Examples
Lecture 06 - Physical Properties of Crystals
Lecture 07 - Physical Properties of Crystals (cont.)
Lecture 07-1 - Physical Properties of Crystals - Worked Examples
Lecture 08 - Cohesion in Solids
Lecture 08-1 - Cohesion in Solids - Worked Examples
Lecture 09 - The Free Electron Theory of Metals
Lecture 09-1 - The Free Electron Theory of Metals - Worked Examples
Lecture 10 - The Free Electron Theory of Metals - Electrical Conductivity
Lecture 10-1 - The Free Electron Theory of Metals - Electrical Conductivity - Worked Examples
Lecture 11 - Thermal Conductivity of Metals
Lecture 11-1 - Thermal Conductivity of Metals - Worked Examples
Lecture 12 - The Concept of Phonons
Lecture 13 - Debye Theory of Specific Heat, Lattice Vibrations
Lecture 13-1 - Debye Theory of Specific Heat, Lattice Vibrations - Worked Examples
Lecture 14 - Lattice Vibrations (cont.), Phonon thermal conductivity
Lecture 14-1 - Lattice Vibrations (cont.), Phonon Thermal Conductivity - Worked Examples
Lecture 15 - Anharmonicity and Thermal Expansion
Lecture 16 - Dielectric (Insulating) Solids
Lecture 17 - Dispersion and Absorption of Electromagnetic Waves in Dielectric Media, Ferro- and Antiferroelectrics
Lecture 18 - Optical Properties of Metals; Ionic Polarization in Alkali Halides; Piezoelectricity
Lecture 18-1 - Dielectric Solids - Worked Examples
Lecture 19 - Diamagnetism and Paramagnetism
Lecture 20 - Paramagnetism of Transition Metal and Rare Earth Ions
Lecture 21 - Quenching of Orbital Angular Momentum; Ferromagnetism
Lecture 22 - Exchange Interactions, Magnetic Order, Neutron Diffraction
Lecture 23 - Hysteresis and Magnetic Domains; Spin Waves and Magnons
Lecture 24 - Magnetic Resonance
Lecture 24-1 - Magnetism and Magnetic Resonance - Worked Examples
Lecture 24-2 - Magnetism - Worked Examples (cont.)
Lecture 25 - Pauli Paramagnetism and Landau Diamagnetism
Lecture 26 - Band Magnetism; Itinerant Electrons; Stoner Model
Lecture 27 - Superconductivity - Perfect Electrical Conductivity and Perfect Diamagnetism
Lecture 28 - Type I and Type II Superconductors
Lecture 29 - Ginzburg-Landau Theory, Flux Quantization
Lecture 30 - Cooper Pairs
Lecture 31 - Microscopic (BCS) Theory of Superconductivity
Lecture 32 - BCS Theory (cont.): Josephson Tunneling: Quantum Interference
Lecture 33 - Josephson Effect (cont.); High Temperature Superconductors
Lecture 33-1 - Superconductors - Worked Examples
Lecture 34 - Energy Bands in Solids
Lecture 35 - Electron Dynamics in a Periodic Solid
Lecture 36 - Semiconductors
Lecture 37 - Semiconductors (cont.)
Lecture 37-1 - Semiconductors - Worked Examples
Lecture 38 - Defects in Solids - Point Defects
Lecture 38-1 - Point Defects in Solids - Worked Examples
Lecture 39 - Defects in Solids - Line and Surface Defects
Lecture 39-1 - Dislocations in Solids - Worked Examples
Lecture 40 - Quantum Fluids and Quantum Solids
Lecture 40-1 - Quantum Liquids and Quantum Solids - Worked Examples
Lecture 41 - Epilogue