
Introduction to Atmospheric and Space Sciences

Introduction to Atmospheric and Space Sciences. Instructor: Prof. Mv Sunil Krishna, Department of Physics, IIT Roorkee. This course introduces the basics of Earth's atmosphere to graduate and post-graduate students. It starts from the evolution of the atmosphere and gives understanding of various physical and chemical processes responsible for the observed changes we see in weather and climate. It gives a comprehensive understanding of the neutral atmosphere, ionosphere and various plasma processes. (from

Lecture 31 - Secondary Cloud Classification and Fog

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Lecture 01 - An Introduction to the Earth's Atmosphere and Source of Energy - The Sun
Lecture 02 - Primary Source of Energy on the Earth - The Sun
Lecture 03 - Evolution of the Earth's Atmosphere
Lecture 04 - Earth's Second Atmosphere and Rise of Oxygen
Lecture 05 - Atmosphere of Other Planets in Solar System
Lecture 06 - Structure of Earth's Atmosphere
Lecture 07 - Vertical Structure of Atmosphere
Lecture 08 - Characterization of Atmosphere based on Electrical Properties
Lecture 09 - Coupling of Solar Radiation with the Earth's Atmosphere
Lecture 10 - Forces and Their Classifications
Lecture 11 - Forces: Gravitational Force
Lecture 12 - Forces: Viscous Force
Lecture 13 - Forces: Coriolis Force
Lecture 14 - Coriolis Force and Curvature Effect
Lecture 15 - Hydrostatic Equation
Lecture 16 - Hypsometric Equation
Lecture 17 - Atmospheric Thermodynamics
Lecture 18 - Thermodynamics: Dry Air
Lecture 19 - Thermodynamics: Moist Air
Lecture 20 - Geopotential and Scale Height
Lecture 21 - Specific Heats
Lecture 22 - Air Parcel and Potential Temperature
Lecture 23 - Moisture Parameters
Lecture 24 - Saturation Mixing Ratio and Relative Humidity
Lecture 25 - Pseudo-Adiabatic Processes
Lecture 26 - Convection of Air
Lecture 27 - Atmospheric Stability and Cloud Formation
Lecture 28 - Cloud Formation
Lecture 29 - Cloud Formation and Lifting
Lecture 30 - Cloud Morphology
Lecture 31 - Secondary Cloud Classification and Fog
Lecture 32 - Atmospheric Stability
Lecture 33 - Atmospheric Stability Conditions
Lecture 34 - Stable, Unstable and Neutral Atmosphere
Lecture 35 - Cloud Seeding and Precipitation
Lecture 36 - Measuring Precipitation
Lecture 37 - Droplet Growth and Curvature Effect
Lecture 38 - Droplet Growth and Solute Effect
Lecture 39 - Radial Growth of Droplets by Diffusion
Lecture 40 - Radial Growth of Droplets by Diffusion (cont.)
Lecture 41 - Ionospheric Layers and Photochemistry
Lecture 42 - Ionization Processes
Lecture 43 - Ionospheric Chemical Reactions and Layers
Lecture 44 - Chapman's Theory of Layer Production
Lecture 45 - Chapman's Theory of Layer Production (cont.)
Lecture 46 - Chapman's Alpha Layer
Lecture 47 - Hydrogen in Ionosphere
Lecture 48 - Debye's Shielding
Lecture 49 - Debye's Shielding and Debye's Potential
Lecture 50 - Debye's Potential (cont.)
Lecture 51 - Particle Motion in Uniform Electric Field
Lecture 52 - Particle Motion in Uniform Magnetic Field
Lecture 53 - Particle Motion in Uniform Magnetic Field and Guiding Center
Lecture 54 - Particle Motion in Uniform Electric and Magnetic Fields
Lecture 55 - Gradient Magnetic Field
Lecture 56 - Gradient Drift and Curvature Drift
Lecture 57 - Vacuum Drift and Planetary Ring Current
Lecture 58 - Magnetic Mirroring
Lecture 59 - Magnetic Mirroring and Loss Cone
Lecture 60 - Airglow and Aurora