

This is a series of videos on cosmology from the YouTube channel DrPhysicsA. The YouTube channel contains a series of Physics videos which are intended to give a basic introduction to the subjects covered. They explain the essence of the subject in as simple as way as possible. They assume basic knowledge of algebra and calculus and some general physics.

01. How Elements are Made
A simple account of how elements are created in various stages in the heart of a star.

02. Hubble's Constant, The Big Bang Theory, and The Age of Universe
The derivation of Hubble's equation from the Doppler effect, the deduction of an expanding universe from a Big Bang and a calculation of the age of the universe.

03. From the Big Bang to Now
An explanation of what happened in the early stages after the big bang, and the evidence for it.

04. How Big Is the Universe?
An explanation of the size of the observable universe and why we cannot see beyond it. together with a forward look to a time when distant galaxies will no longer be visible.

05. Dark Matter and Galaxy Rotation
Deducing the presence of Dark Matter from the rotational velocities of stars in galaxies.

06. Dark Energy
A description of dark energy and how it might explain accelerating universe expansion and a simple derivation of the Friedman, Robertson, Walker equation.

07. Black Holes, An Introduction
The basic physics of a black hole, the Schwarzschild radius, energy, temperature, mass and entropy and Hawking radiation.