
Cosmic Concepts

Perceptions, Expectations, and Discoveries. The Greeks famously identified many patterns and rhythms in the sky, deducing detailed information about eclipses and orbits that still have relevance today. The Chinese, on the other hand, made landmark discoveries of supernovae and comets - events that were unexpected (stochastic) in nature and not forming any part of any rhythm. This talk will consider how expectation plays a role in discovery and in scientific advance, and considers the challenges involved in assessing changes taking place on our own planet.

Katherine Blundell was appointed Gresham Professor of Astronomy in 2019. She is a Professor of Astrophysics at Oxford University and a Research Fellow at St John's College. (from

Lecture 6 - Perceptions, Expectations, and Discoveries

Go to the Series Home or watch other lectures:

Lecture 1 - Faster than Light?
Lecture 2 - Frozen in Time?
Lecture 3 - The End of Matter?
Lecture 4 - Shapes of Free Fall
Lecture 5 - Simple Laws, Spectacular Astrophysics
Lecture 6 - Perceptions, Expectations, and Discoveries