
Emotions, Thoughts and Health

Emotions, Thoughts and Health: What All Aging Bodies Should Know. Our brains change as we age, and how we think and feel changes too. Could it be that paying attention to our daily lives and our aging brains might slow our cellular aging? Or that certain emotional interactions can predict relationship happiness decades later? In these programs from UCSF's Osher Mini Medical School, researchers and experts share the latest science on the intersection between cognition, emotion, health and aging. It's an exciting new frontier and you - and your brain - won't want to miss it! (from

Emotions, Decisions and Behavior across the Lifespan: Surprises from Social Psychology. Wendy Berry Mendes, UCSF Department of Psychiatry, explores how emotions, thoughts, and intentions are experienced in the body and how bodily responses shape and influence thoughts, behavior and emotions.

6. Emotions, Decisions and Behavior across the Lifespan: Surprises from Social Psychology

Go to the Series Home or watch other lectures:

1. Emotion and Aging: Exploding the Misery Myth
2. Exploring the Crossroads of Attention and Memory in the Aging Brain: Views from the Inside
3. Emotions, Stress, and Rate of Telomere Shortening: Are Our Cells Listening to Us?
4. The Aging but Resilient Brain: Keeping Neurons Happy
5. How Our Emotional Lives Mature: Changes and New Strengths
6. Emotions, Decisions and Behavior across the Lifespan: Surprises from Social Psychology