
Elements of Visual Representation

Elements of Visual Representation. Instructor: Prof. Shatarupa Thakurta Roy, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Kanpur. Visual Art is compulsorily a successful visual arrangement. Visual Representation is a mode of non linguistic and nonverbal communication. It involves a wide range of symbolic icons that cannot be comprehended solely through intuition. The course introduces numerous theoretical constructs that enable its audiences to primarily understand the nature of visual medium and eventually develop a visual vocabulary to decode visual messages with a semiotic approach. The knowledge is instrumental in visual analysis, critical art appreciation, theoretical and practical art and design endeavors. (from

Lecture 06 - Visual Mediums Method and Material

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Introduction to Art and Visual Language
Lecture 01 - Visual Literacy
Lecture 02 - What is Art? Visual Styles
Lecture 03 - Principle of Visual Communication
Lecture 04 - Elements of Visual Representation
Lecture 05 - Need of Visual Harmony, Aerial Perspective in Visual Representation
Lecture 06 - Visual Mediums Method and Material
Composition and Space
Lecture 07 - Visual Arrangement: Figure Ground Relationship
Lecture 08 - Illusion of Space Overlapping and Vertical Location
Lecture 09 - Perspective, Foreshortening and Amplification
Lecture 10 - Multiple Point Perspective, Cubist Form
Lecture 11 - Oriental Perspective, Aerial Perspective, Isometric Projection
Lecture 12 - Unconventional Space, Visual Riddle
Perception of Motion
Lecture 13 - Static Form
Lecture 14 - Impression of Movement
Lecture 15 - Movement by Repetition
Lecture 16 - Use of Multiple Image to Depict Motion
Lecture 17 - Principle of Op Art: Optical Movement
Lecture 18 - Asymmetry in Visual Narration
Scale and Proportion
Lecture 19 - Scale and Space in Composition
Lecture 20 - Choosing the Right Scale
Lecture 21 - Natural Proportion
Lecture 22 - Ideal Proportion
Lecture 23 - Arbitrary and Mandatory Proportion
Lecture 24 - Form of Visual Paradox
Line as a Visual Element
Lecture 25 - Line as Line and Line as Shape
Lecture 26 - Character Specific Use of Line in Visual Representation
Lecture 27 - Implied, Psychic, Contour Line and Gesture Line
Lecture 28 - Line as Building Block
Lecture 29 - Line for Rendering: Value and Volume
Lecture 30 - Quality of Line in Visual Expression
Visual Harmony and Balance as a Rule
Lecture 31 - Example of Unified Composition: Conceptual Harmony vs. Visual Harmony
Lecture 32 - Visual Continuity: Proximity, Repetition
Lecture 33 - Gestalt Law of Universal Whole
Lecture 34 - Unity in Variation, Visual Climax and Harmony: Focal Point and Accents
Lecture 35 - Degree of Emphasis to Maintain Harmony: Visual Balance
Lecture 36 - Rhythm and Motion in Visual Representation
Color Combination, Value and Texture
Lecture 37 - Visual Balance in Symmetry, Radical and Crystallographic Balance
Lecture 38 - Balance in Asymmetry
Lecture 39 - Visual Balance in Color Combination, Conflicting Colors
Lecture 40 - Balance through Achromatic Value Distribution
Lecture 41 - Local, Optical and Arbitrary Color
Lecture 42 - Color in Digital Media Pigment and Light, Resolution
Visual Analysis and Conclusion
Lecture 43 - Rectilinear and Curvilinear Form
Lecture 44 - Volume and Surface Texture
Lecture 45 - Visual and Tactile Texture
Lecture 46 - Form, Texture and Pattern
Lecture 47 - Visual Analysis
Lecture 48 - Steps of Problem Solving