
The MASH project

The MASH project: An open platform for the collective development of future extractors by Francois Fleuret - Machine Learning Summer School at Purdue, 2011. The MASH project is a European research initiative that aims at developing novel tools for the design of complex machine learning systems.

The project's main objective is to create an open-source web platform allowing the collaborative development of complex families of image feature extractors for scene understanding and vision-based goal-planning algorithms. Performance will be measured on standard image classification and object detection data sets, and using a real robotic arm, and a 3d simulator for goal-planning tasks. I will present the motivations behind the project, the scientific and technical challenges to address, and the current status of the platform. I will then show how to participate and some early results.

The MASH project

Machine Learning Summer School at Purdue, 2011
A Machine Learning Approach for Complex Information Retrieval Applications
A Short Course on Reinforcement Learning
Classic and Modern Data Clustering
Divide and Recombine for the Analysis of Big Data
Graphical Models for the Internet
Introduction to Machine Learning
Large-Scale Machine Learning and Stochastic Algorithms
Machine Learning for a Rainy Day
Machine Learning for Discovery in Legal Cases
Machine Learning for Statistical Genetics
Mining Heterogeneous Information Networks
Modeling Complex Social Networks
Optimization for Machine Learning
Privacy Issues with Machine Learning: Fears, Facts, and Opportunities
Survey of Boosting from an Optimization Perspective
The MASH Project