
6.01SC Introduction to Electrical Engineering and Computer Science I

6.01SC Introduction to Electrical Engineering and Computer Science I (Spring 2011, MIT OCW). Taught by Professor Dennis Freeman, this course provides an integrated introduction to electrical engineering and computer science, taught using substantial laboratory experiments with mobile robots. Our primary goal is for you to learn to appreciate and use the fundamental design principles of modularity and abstraction in a variety of contexts from electrical engineering and computer science. Our second goal is to show you that making mathematical models of real systems can help in the design and analysis of those systems. Finally, we have the more typical goals of teaching exciting and important basic material from electrical engineering and computer science, including modern software engineering, linear systems analysis, electronic circuits, and decision-making. (from

Lecture 03 - Signals and Systems

Any model of the world we want to study, that we address as a system, we also probably want to observe in some way (this is probably the reason we made the model in the first place). The information we choose to observe is the signal. Based on what we know about different kinds of signals and systems, we can choose what information to collect as a signal, and make effective long-term predictions about our system based on that signal.

Signals and Systems | Unit 2
Readings. Lecture handout (PDF). Lecture slides (PDF). Session Activities. Check Yourself.
Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) Signals and Systems | Unit 2
Readings. Recitation Videos. Session Activities. Check Yourself.

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Unit 1: Software Engineering
Lecture 01 - Object-oriented Programming
Lecture 02 - Primitives, Combination, Abstraction, and Patterns
Unit 2: Signals and Systems
Lecture 03 - Signals and Systems
Lecture 04
Lecture 05 - Characterizing System Performance
Lecture 06 - Designing Control Systems
Unit 3: Circuits
Lecture 07 - Circuits
Lecture 08 - Op-Amps
Lecture 09 - Circuit Abstractions
Unit 4: Probability and Planning
Lecture 10 - Discrete Probability and State Estimation
Lecture 11
Lecture 12 - Search Algorithms
Lecture 13 - Optimizing a Search