Chaos, Fractals and Dynamic Systems
Chaos, Fractals and Dynamic Systems. Instructor: Prof. S. Banerjee, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Kharagpur. The course covers lessons in Representations of Dynamical Systems, Vector Fields of Nonlinear Systems, Limit Cycles, The Lorenz Equation, The Rossler Equation and Forced Pendulum, The Chua's Circuit, Discrete Time Dynamical Systems, The Logistic Map and Period Doubling, Flip and Tangent Bifurcations, Intermittency Transcritical and Pitchfork, Two Dimensional Maps, Mandelbrot Sets and Julia Sets, Stable and Unstable Manifolds, The Monodromy Matrix and the Saltation Matrix. (from
Lecture 20 - Stable and Unstable Manifolds |
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