Electromagnetic Theory
Electromagnetic Theory. Instructor: Dr. Pradeep Kumar K, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Kanpur. Electromagnetic theory is a core course in Electrical Engineering curriculum. The course covers static and dynamic electric and magnetic fields and their interaction. Major topics include electromagnetic waves, transmission lines, waveguides, and antenna fundamentals. In addition, quasi-static analysis and numerical methods are also discussed. Successful completion of the course will allow students to take up microwave engineering, antennas, and optics for future studies.
(from nptel.ac.in )
Lecture 72 - Rectangular Waveguide: TM Modes
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Lecture 01 - Introduction to Electromagnetic Theory
Lecture 02 - Coulomb's Law
Lecture 03 - Vector Analysis I, Introduction to Coordinate System
Lecture 04 - Rectangular Coordinate System
Lecture 05 - Vector Analysis II: Vector Algebra, Magnitude of a Vector
Lecture 06 - Introduction to Electric Field
Lecture 07 - Electric Field I: Electric Field due to a Infinite Line Charge
Lecture 08 - Cylindrical Coordinate System
Lecture 09 - Coordinate Transformation, Electric Field Calculation using Cylindrical Coordinate System
Lecture 10 - Electric Potential I: Electrostatic Potential, Work done by a Charge
Lecture 11 - Spherical Coordinate System and Electric Potential
Lecture 12 - Vector Analysis and Electric Potential: Van de Graaff Generator, Concept of Gradient
Lecture 13 - Gauss's Law and its Applications I: Electric Field of Infinite Sheet Charge
Lecture 14 - Gauss's Law and its Applications II: Electrical Field & Potential of Spherical Shell
Lecture 15 - Divergence and Poisson's and Laplace's Equations
Lecture 16 - Gauss's Law and its Applications III: Divergence Theorem, E-field of Finite Length Charge
Lecture 17 - Vector Analysis III: Curl and its Significance
Lecture 18 - Conductor and Dielectric I: Dielectrics, Electric Dipoles
Lecture 19 - Polarization I: Dipole Moments, Polarizability
Lecture 20 - Polarization II: Concept of Surface Charge Distribution and Volume Charge Distribution
Lecture 21 - Polarization II (cont.), Introduction to Boundary Condition
Lecture 22 - Boundary Condition for Electric Field
Lecture 23 - Continuity Equation, Introduction to Conductors
Lecture 24 - Boundary Conditions of Conductors
Lecture 25 - Conductors (cont.), Introduction of Capacitor, Capacitance Calculation Method
Lecture 26 - Capacitor II: Parallel Plate Capacitor, Coaxial Transmission Line
Lecture 27 - Capacitance of Two Parallel Wires and Equipotential Surfaces
Lecture 28 - Solution of Laplace Equation I, Uniqueness Theorem
Lecture 29 - Solution of Laplace Equation II, Method of Images
Lecture 30 - Application of Method of Images
Lecture 31 - Capacitance Calculation of Parallel Plate using Laplace Equation
Lecture 32 - Laplace Equation in 2-D, Introduction to Space Charge Region
Lecture 33 - Introduction to Magnetic Field, Lorentz Force
Lecture 34 - Biot-Savart Law and its Application: Calculation of Magnetic Field for Infinite Line Current
Lecture 35 - Biot-Savart Law and its Application II, Ampere's Law and its Application
Lecture 36 - Concept of Magnetic Monopole, Magnetic Vector Potential
Lecture 37 - Magnetic Force, Torque and Dipole: Magnetic Dipoles and their Far Fields
Lecture 38 - Introduction to Magnetic Torque, Hall Effect
Lecture 39 - Magnetic Materials I: Solenoid and their Fields, Magnetization
Lecture 40 - Magnetic Materials: Ferromagnetic, Diamagnetic and Paramagnetic, Magnetic Moment
Lecture 41 - Magnetic Materials (cont.), Boundary Condition for Magnetic Fields
Lecture 42 - Inductor and Calculation of Inductance for Different Shapes: Coaxial Cable and Solenoid
Lecture 43 - Inductor and Calculation of Inductance for Different Shapes: Two Wire Line
Lecture 44 - Faraday's Law and its Application: Lenz's Law
Lecture 45 - Faraday's Law and its Application: Transformer, Motional Emf, Point Form of Faraday's Law
Lecture 46 - Displacement Current: Modified Ampere's Law, Displacement Current Density, Integral Form of Maxwell's Equation
Lecture 47 - Maxwell's Equation: Time Harmonic Solution of EM Waves, Standing Waves
Lecture 48 - Wave Propagation, Wave Equation in Laplacian Form
Lecture 49 - Solution of Helmholtz Equation
Lecture 50 - Uniform Plane Waves: Wave Impedance, Propagation Constant, Time Domain Equation of Waves
Lecture 51 - Polarization and Poynting Vector
Lecture 52 - Wave Reflections (Normal Incidence)
Lecture 53 - Waves in Imperfect Dielectrics and Good Conductors, Attenuation Coefficient
Lecture 54 - Skin Depth/Effect
Lecture 55 - Oblique Incidence of Waves: Snell's Law
Lecture 56 - Oblique Incidence of Waves: TE and TM Waves, Brewster Angle
Lecture 57 - Transmission Line: Lumped and Distributed Circuits, Waveforms on IC Interconnects
Lecture 58 - Transmission Line Model: Wire as a Transmission Line, Transmission Line Equations
Lecture 59 - Steady State Sinusoidal Response of Transmission Line I
Lecture 60 - Steady State Sinusoidal Response of Transmission Line II
Lecture 61 - Steady State Sinusoidal Response of Transmission Line (cont.) and Smith Chart
Lecture 62 - Application of Smith Chart I: Reflection Coefficient
Lecture 63 - Application of Smith Chart II: Load Impedance, Impedance Matching
Lecture 64 - Impedance Matching: Quarter Wave Transformer, Stub Matching, Single Stub Matching Network
Lecture 65 - Transients on Transmission Line I: Lattice/Bounce Diagram
Lecture 66 - Transients on Transmission Line II: Lattice/Bounce Diagram
Lecture 67 - Pulse on Transmission Line
Lecture 68 - Capacitive Termination in Transmission Line
Lecture 69 - Waveguide: Difference between T-line and Waveguides, TE, TM and TEM Modes
Lecture 70 - Waveguide Analysis, Generalized Equations for Waveguide
Lecture 71 - TM Modes in Waveguide
Lecture 72 - Rectangular Waveguide: TM Modes
Lecture 73 - Rectangular Waveguide: TE Modes
Lecture 74 - Waveguide: Wavelength, Impedance and Power Calculation
Lecture 75 - Waveguide Losses: Attenuation in Waveguide, Skin Depth in Waveguide
Lecture 76 - Dielectric Waveguide: Optical Fiber, TE Equations for Dielectric Waveguide
Lecture 77 - Dielectric Waveguide: TE Mode Equations, Cutoff Frequency
Lecture 78 - Radiation and Antenna: Retarded Potential
Lecture 79 - Hertzian Dipole Antenna
Lecture 80 - Hertzian Dipole Antenna (cont.)
Lecture 81 - Quasi-Statistics I: Zero and First Order Effect
Lecture 82 - Quasi-Statistics II: Second Order Effect
Lecture 83 - Long Wire Antenna: Propagation Effect, Friis Formula
Lecture 84 - Group Velocity and Phase Velocity
Lecture 85 - Numerical Solution of Laplace Equation