
Modeling and Simulation of Discrete Event Systems

Modeling and Simulation of Discrete Event Systems. Instructor: Dr. Pradeep K. Jha, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, IIT Roorkee. The course deals with all the important aspects of discrete event system simulation with particular emphasis on applications in manufacturing, services and computing. This course is meant for an upper level undergraduate or master's level introduction to modeling and simulation techniques for discrete event systems. (from

Lecture 11 - Characteristics of a Queueing System

This lecture introduces us to characteristics of a queueing system. Information about different elements of a queueing system, queue behavior, queue discipline etc. have been provided.

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Lecture 01 - Introduction to Simulation
Lecture 02 - Concept of System, Model and Simulation
Lecture 03 - Time Advance Mechanism, Components of a Simulation Model
Lecture 04 - Program Organization and Logic, Steps in a Simulation Study
Lecture 05 - Simulation Examples
Lecture 06 - Statistical Models in Simulation
Lecture 07 - Input Probability Distribution Functions for Discrete Systems
Lecture 08 - Continuous Distribution Functions
Lecture 09 - Continuous Distribution Functions and Empirical Distribution Functions
Lecture 10 - Problem Solving on Statistical Models in Simulation
Lecture 11 - Characteristics of a Queueing System
Lecture 12 - Performance Measures of Queueing System
Lecture 13 - Analysis of Single Server Queueing System
Lecture 14 - Simulation of Single Server Queueing System
Lecture 15 - Computer Representation of Simulation of Single Server Queueing System
Lecture 16 - Generation of Random Numbers
Lecture 17 - Issues and Challenges in Congruential Generators
Lecture 18 - Testing of Random Numbers
Lecture 19 - Generations of Random Variates
Lecture 20 - Problem Solving on Random Number and Random Variate Generation
Lecture 21 - Input Modeling: Identifying Distributions with Data
Lecture 22 - Input Modeling: Estimation of Parameters
Lecture 23 - Input Modeling: Goodness-of-Fit Tests and Assessing Sample Dependence
Lecture 24 - Input Modeling: Multivariate Input Models
Lecture 25 - Problem Solving on Input Modeling
Lecture 26 - Output Analysis of a Single System: Introduction
Lecture 27 - Obtaining a Specified Precision
Lecture 28 - Comparison of Alternative System Configurations
Lecture 29 - Confidence Intervals for Comparing More than Two Systems
Lecture 30 - Problem Solving on Output Analysis of Single and Alternative Systems
Lecture 31 - Introduction to Simulation of Manufacturing and Material Handling System
Lecture 32 - Issues in Material Handling System
Lecture 33 - Modeling of System Randomness: Machine Downtime
Lecture 34 - Verification of Simulation Models
Lecture 35 - Model Validity and Credibility
Lecture 36 - Problem Solving and Case Studies on Simulation of Manufacturing System
Lecture 37 - Introduction to Monte Carlo Simulation
Lecture 38 - Inventory Control Simulation using Monte Carlo Technique
Lecture 39 - Monte Carlo Simulation of Queueing Problems
Lecture 40 - Problem Solving on Monte Carlo Simulation