
EE123: Digital Signal Processing

EE123: Digital Signal Processing (Spring 2015, UC Berkeley). Instructor: Professor Shimon Michael Lustig. Digital Signal Processing - Discrete time signals and systems: Fourier and Z transforms, DFT, 2-dimensional versions. Digital signal processing topics: flow graphs, realizations, FFT, chirp-Z algorithms, Hilbert transform relations, quantization effects, linear prediction. Digital filter design methods: windowing, frequency sampling, S-to-Z methods, frequency-transformation methods, optimization methods, 2-dimensional filter design.

Lecture 36 - Hacking the Wireless World with Software Defined Radios

Go to the Course Home or watch other lectures:

Lecture 01 - Introduction
Lecture 02 - Discrete Time Systems
Lecture 03 - Discrete-time Fourier Transform
Lecture 04 - Discrete-time Fourier Transform (cont.), z-Transform
Lecture 05 - Discrete Fourier Transform
Lecture 06 - Properties of Discrete Fourier Transform
Lecture 07 - Block Convolution, Overlap and Add, Fast Fourier Transform
Lecture 08 - Spectral Analysis
Lecture 09 - Spectral Analysis using DFT
Lecture 10 - Time-Dependent Fourier Transform
Lecture 11 - Time-Frequency, Lab I & II
Lecture 12 - Introduction to Wavelets
Lecture 13 - Discrete-Time Wavelets
Lecture 14 - Sampling
Lecture 15 - Sampling (cont.)
Lecture 16 - Resampling
Lecture 17 - Lab III and Polyphase Filters
Lecture 18 - Filter Banks
Lecture 19 - Practical DAC/ADC
Lecture 20 - 2D Signals and 2D Fourier Transform
Lecture 21 - Tomography
Lecture 22 - Lab 4: Frequency Calibration using GSM Compressed Sensing
Lecture 23 - Compressed Sensing
Lecture 24 - Compressed Sensing (cont.)
Lecture 25 - Filter Design: FIR Filter Design
Lecture 26 - Optimal Filter Design (No Audio for first 18 minutes)
Lecture 27 - Transform Analysis of LTI Systems
Lecture 28 - Phase Response of LTI systems
Lecture 29 - Phase Response: All-Pass and Minimum Phase
Lecture 30 - Lab 6 and Generalized Linear Phase
Lecture 31 - Generalized Linear Phase Systems
Lecture 32 - Lab 6B
Lecture 33 - Node-Pore Sensing
Lecture 34 - How Signal Processing Changes Optical Imaging
Lecture 35 - Review
Lecture 36 - Hacking the Wireless World with Software Defined Radios