
Chemistry 128: Introduction to Chemical Biology

Chemistry 128: Introduction to Chemical Biology (Winter 2013, UC Irvine). Instructor: Professor Gregory Alan Weiss. Chemistry 128 provides an introduction to the basic principles of chemical biology: structures and reactivity; chemical mechanisms of enzyme catalysis; chemistry of signaling, biosynthesis, and metabolic pathways.

Lecture 02 - Common Tools in Chemical Biology

Time Lecture Chapters
[00:03:11] 1. Our Story Thus Far: Principles to Organize Biology
[00:18:39] 2. Modular Architecture Allows Combinatorial Synthesis
[00:30:40] 3. Common Tools in Chemical Biology
[00:47:04] 4. Fluorophores Allow Visualization of Molecules Inside the Cell
[00:52:24] 5. Assays to Detect Molecules in Solution and Cells
[00:58:41] 6. Viruses for Gene Delivery
[01:02:18] 7. Phage-Displayed Protein Libraries
[01:04:55] 8. Vast Libraries of DNA and RNA
[01:07:09] 9. Small Molecules Provide Control over Cell Processes
[01:10:26] 10. Model Organisms for Biology and Chemistry
[01:13:41] 11. Bacteria Used to Define DNA as Responsible for Transferring Heredity
[01:15:32] 12. Fruit Fly (Drosophila)

Go to the Course Home or watch other lectures:

Lecture 01 - Introduction/What is Chemical Biology?
Lecture 02 - Common Tools in Chemical Biology
Lecture 03 - Reactivity and Arrow Pushing
Lecture 04 - Combinatorial Chemistry and Biology
Lecture 05 - Non-Covalent Interactions, DNA
Lecture 06 - DNA Reactivity with Small Molecules
Lecture 07 - DNA, RNA, and Cancer
Lecture 08 - RNA
Lecture 09 - RNA part 2
Lecture 10 - Proteins and Amino Acid Conformations
Lecture 11 - Proteins and Amino Acid Conformations, Part 2
Lecture 12 - Protein Functions
Lecture 13 - Protein Function and Enzymes
Lecture 14 - Glycobiology
Lecture 15 - Glycobiology and Polyketides
Lecture 16 - Glycobiology and Polyketides, Part 2
Lecture 17 - Terpenes and Cell Signaling, Part 1
Lecture 18 - Terpenes and Cell Signaling, Part 2